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Confront Deepfake Challenges With Gartner ®Insights

Combatting deepfakes

June 20, 2024  

Digital platforms face a proliferation of deepfakes and AI-generated disinformation content.

But there are defense strategies. The April 2024 Gartner “Emerging Tech: Combating
Deepfakes, Deception and Disinformation in Multimedia Content” research can help
organizations fight generative AI threats. The strategies include incorporating source
identification, forgery detection and generative content detection.

“Focus on a multilayered approach, capable of applying established techniques and emerging
technology, to detect disinformation forgery, with inclusion of machine learning and deep
networks,” according to the research.

Deepfakes Carve Out New Frontier of Digital Threats

Generative AI is amplifying bad actors’ ability to spread disinformation.

Disinformation can spread quickly online, increasing fraud risk and regulatory compliance
challenges. Detection can be challenging, creating trust and safety concerns for social media
platforms, online marketplaces and other organizations.

“The battle between the creation of and ability to detect deepfakes is poised to
become a digital arms race,” according to the Gartner research.

Companies Can Take Steps to Fight Deepfakes

The Gartner research highlights techniques organizations can use for source identification of
disinformation content.

Classifying content based on device make and model and then expanding capabilities to include
device identification can lead to increased trust and a strong fraud defense.

Unite Source ID and Forgery Detection

Organizations also can deploy forgery and tamper detection techniques, according to the

Organizations can apply strategies to identify image anomalies and inconsistencies.

Combining multiple tools and techniques helps counter the many different ways bad actors can
deceive organizations.

“Effectively identifying GenAI content crafted for disinformation campaigns demands a blend of
source identification and forgery detection techniques,” according to the research.

Combatting deepfakes

Industry Report

Learn how to combat deepfake threats by layering established techniques and emerging technologies.

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