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Identity Verification
Article | 3 min
Article | 5 min
Organizations can defend against the growing threat of BNPL fraud while maintaining the speed and convenience customers expect.
Document Verification
Article | 4 min
Organizations can use many techniques and tools to detect new account fraud while reducing friction for good customers.
Fraud and Risk
Detecting application fraud calls for a proactive approach that could include stricter verification processes using advanced technology.
Synthetic identity fraud is one the fastest-growing forms of identity theft. Learn how to better spot fake identities based on real ID data.
Article | 2 min
Deepfake defense strategies including incorporating source identification, forgery detection and generative content detection.
The Gartner report covers five AI themes and 29 AI-related technologies with an eye toward helping organizations prepare for change.
With the tools, marketplaces can enact best practices to fight fraud while meeting buyer and seller expectations for convenience and speed.
Implementing measures to help prevent CNP fraud (card-not-present) and reduce online chargebacks will protect an organization and their customers.
Organizations meeting the needs of digital transformation through digital trust will drive business value by minimizing risk and building a safer world.
Customer Onboarding
Risk assessment is an integral part of KYC and AML regulation checks, providing further insights into your new clients and their dealings.
Article | 8 min
Proof of address is evidence that a person has an actual physical address that matches their stated address.
Article | 7 min
Online payment fraud management prevents losses, protects the organization and helps ensure operations are smooth, secure and scalable.