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Identity Verification
Article | 6 min
RegTech solutions can deploy fraud risk and compliance systems that combine data from different GRC tasks to deliver compelling, holistic results.
Article | 5 min
Many businesses aren't structured with digital preparedness in mind or have not invested enough in their digital capabilities to handle the surge.
Trust and Safety
Rather than invading any individual’s privacy, the need to reduce online anonymity means putting identity at the heart of all digital and social media.
Fraud and Risk
Article | 7 min
Smart methods to conduct age verification for selling online products and services will ensure legal compliance, protect youth & not overly burden adults.
Article | 3 min
How a digital identity network can help your global business solve today’s biggest identity challenges and build trust online.
KYC remediation should not be an obstacle for customers, or for an organization and can lead to adaptable systems, re-engaged customers and ongoing growth.
Article | 12 min
Humans naturally find stories about crime and other unusual events exciting, so history has kept records of many of the more interesting examples of fraud. Part 2 of 2.
COVID-19 has brought forth significant considerations in regards to trust, privacy and inclusion for identity technology.
Preview the look of a form, see changes, create multiple instances of different forms and workflows & manage all instances from within EmbedID.
Article | 4 min
Insight into the processes, the marketplace, solutions and key buying considerations for digital identity verification solutions.
Document Verification
Digital IDs provide entities with new and efficient ways to reach and serve their populations, especially the most disadvantaged.
Article | 8 min
There’s a massive economic opportunity in Brazil for improving digital channels to lower fraud, increase inclusion and help Brazilians better their lives.