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Article | 3 min
Agile identity verification helps payment service providers enhance the onboarding experience, boost customer acquisition rates and minimize fraud losses.
Influencers and power sellers expect secure, convenient experiences when they encounter identity verification requirements.
Identity Verification
Layering identity verification capabilities allows businesses to mix and match services to meet their needs in any onboarding circumstance.
Document Verification
Identity document verification adds a layer of confidence that people are who they say they are during digital onboarding and transactions.
Article | 4 min
Workflow builder helps businesses optimize and automate customer verification and compliance processes to accelerate growth and innovation.
Fraud and Risk
Implementing measures to help prevent CNP fraud (card-not-present) and reduce online chargebacks will protect an organization and their customers.
The FedNow payments infrastructure enables people and businesses to send real-time payments through their financial institutions.
Marketplaces need to strike the balance between limiting risky accounts and avoiding heavy-handed security controls
Creating effective and trustworthy cross-border payments is crucial to smoothing out international business and to grow and optimize commerce.
With carefully considered strategies, good payment partners and intelligent onboarding, marketplace payments can add significant value to the platform.
Business Verification (KYB)
Article | 5 min
The Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) owns or controls a business or legal entity and is a vital check for AML/KYC compliance.
Screen customers against global watchlists, reduce risk and comply with AML/KYC regulations with automated processes.