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Identity Verification
Article | 5 min
Any company that operates digitally can use an ID check to help prevent fraud, ensure compliance and build trust and safety into their services.
Article | 6 min
Banks with impressive AML programs demonstrate that they care about the details and properly invest in people and technology.
Article | 3 min
Every identity verification is different. By using a risk-based approach, the method you use to verify a customer matches the risk level.
Business Verification (KYB)
Article | 4 min
Better discern the context, challenges and solutions of identifying beneficial ownership, and enhance Know Your Business (KYB) processes.
Innovative FBO accounts enables fintech companies to quickly offer banking-like services without the complexities and costs of getting a banking license.
Identity verification has three primary use cases: achieving compliance requirements, reducing fraud and building trust and safety.
Financial institutions (FIs) are under more pressure than ever to provide effective digital security.
A Payfac is a third-party merchant service provider that sets up electronic payment and processing services for business owners.
Article | 2 min
With the right digital identity verification technology, you can meet their expectations and your business requirements while increasing trust and security.
Customer Onboarding
Interested in improving your match rates to deliver a better customer onboarding experience? Compare your current identity verification solution.
Having an effective overall AML/KYC compliance program demonstrates to regulators and customers that an NFT business is serious about its obligations.
Venture capitalist and private equity firms run the risk of losing investors to a poor onboarding process.